Thursday 2nd May 2024

10 Simple Life-Changing Practices To Transform Into A Better Person

Most people want to be a better person, whether at the home, office, or in public places. Becoming a better person is a continuous journey of self-improvement and personal growth. It’s about making conscious choices and embracing positive habits that align with our values and aspirations. While the path to self-improvement may seem daunting, it often begins with small, simple changes we can make in our daily lives.

In this blog, we will explore practical and achievable life changes that can help you become a better person. These changes are not possible in one day, but a small, incremental shift in mindset and behavior can bring significant results over time. By incorporating these life changing practices into your daily life, you can cultivate positive habits and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity.

  1. Practice gratitude

Every day, spend a few moments reflecting on what you’re grateful for. It could be anything as easy as appreciating a lovely sunset or expressing gratitude to the people in your life. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude promotes positivity, mindfulness, and a greater sense of contentment.

  1. Be kind

Small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on others and ourselves. Practice random acts of kindness, such as offering a genuine compliment, lending a helping hand, or showing empathy. Acts of kindness not only improve the lives of those around you but also promote a sense of fulfillment and happiness within yourself.

  1. Practice active listening

Actively listening to others is a powerful way to connect and understand people. Therefore, practicing active listening by giving your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and responding properly if or when required is a good sign of personal development.

  1. Educate yourself

Make reading and learning a regular habit in your life. Engage in books, articles, or blogs that inspire personal growth, expand your knowledge, and challenge your perspectives. Lifelong learning keeps your mind active, broadens your perspective, and fuels personal development.

  1. Let go of negativity

Release negative thoughts, extreme anger, resentment, and judgments can weigh you down. Embrace forgiveness, practice self-compassion, and surround yourself with positive influences. Letting go of negativity creates space for personal growth, happiness, and healthier relationships.

  1. Practice forgiveness

Forgiving others and yourself is a powerful act of personal growth. Holding onto grudges, resentment, and anger only hinders your own well-being. Practicing forgiveness by letting go of past hurts, embracing compassion, and moving forward with a lighter heart will resolve all your mental suffering.

  1. Embrace a healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle will benefit both your physical and mental well-being. Put an emphasis on eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress. Taking care of your body and mind increases your energy, concentration, and overall quality of life.

  1. Practice self-care

Make self-care a priority in your life. Spend some time looking after your physical, emotional, and mental health. Participate in activities that make you happy, calm, and refreshed. Self-care replenishes your energy, enhances self-esteem, and enables you to show up as a better version of yourself.

  1. Be respectful to everyone

Respecting everyone means treating others with respect, empathy, and attention, regardless of their background or beliefs. Respect means actively listening, valuing diverse perspectives, never doing offensive behavior, not using insulting language, respect others’ time, feelings, thoughts, ideas, work, and others. By practicing respect, we can create a stronger connection in society.

  1. Be yourself

To live a true and satisfying life, it is essential to be yourself. It means embracing your true identity, being more focused, and developing courage. When you are true to yourself, you radiate confidence and attract meaningful connections. Being yourself allows you to pursue your passions and express your unique perspectives, contributing to the world in your own authentic way. Embrace your individuality, for it is the key to personal happiness and inspiring others to do the same.


Becoming a better person is a continuous journey that begins with small, simple changes in our daily lives. By incorporating these life-changing practices into your routine, you can improve personal growth, enhance your well-being, and make a positive impact on those around you.

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Usage Of Air Conditioner For Newborn: Good Or Bad

The most common question comes to every new first-time parent’s mind is, Is it safe to use air conditioners (AC) in my newborn baby’s room? Well, the answer is “yes, it is safe,” but with certain precautions. According to most pediatricians, using AC in a newly born’s room is safe rather than letting them stay in a hot and humid environment.

A well-ventilated room also helps prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk. Moreover, when babies stay in extremely hot and humid temperatures, they start getting heat-related illnesses such as heat rash, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration. Therefore, they need a properly ventilated, fresh airy room for comfortable sleep and healthy growth.

On the other hand, a too-cold room can severely affect your baby by lower down the body temperature and chilling them. This is because babies, particularly newborns, cannot regulate their body temperatures as well as adults. That’s why the main problem with using the AC running is a sudden drop down in temperature.

Here are the certain precautions that you need to follow to keep your newborn comfortable in an AC room:


Maintain comfortable room temperature

Changes in the outside temperature can affect the cooling of your AC. So always keep the temperature in a comfortable setting. According to the pediatrician’s recommendation, the temperature of a room must be between 23 to 27 degrees Celsius, depending on the outside temperature.


Avoid direct blasts of cold air

When you use an AC, make sure that your baby does not come in direct contact with air from AC. This can affect their health very harshly.


Use light blanket

While using AC, cover your baby’s body with a light blanket. Do not use a heavy blanket. Remember that your baby needs only one extra layer than you. If you plan to use an alight blanket, tuck it below your baby’s elbows to avoid covering the face.


Dress your baby rightly

Temperatures usually drop at night, so it is essential to properly dress up your baby in full-length clothes. This will protect your baby from cold air. Remember that clothes should not be of a thick layer. You can also cover their head and ear with a light cap and also use light cotton socks to cover their feet.


Use moisturiser

Air conditioner makes the room dry. So you must apply moisturiser on your baby’s skin to avoid dryness.


You may have heard people say to apply oil around your baby’s nose or dip an earbud in baby oil and gently applying to each nostril to prevent nose bleeding caused by dry nasal passages. But you should take the doctor’s suggestions before applying any oil to your baby’s nostrils.

Moreover, some mothers recommended keeping a bowl of water in the AC room. This will help to balance the dryness in the air.


Service the ACs regularly

When you have a newborn baby at home, you should be extra careful with everything. You should get your AC cleaned or serviced on a regular basis as the dust or other toxic items get deposited on the AC filters, which is very harmful to your baby. Moreover, regular servicing not only makes the air clean to breathe but also helps in the effective working of the equipment.



Do not shift your baby suddenly from cold to the warm temperature

Babies are susceptible to even a slight variation in temperature. Sudden temperature changes can make them sick. When you want to take your baby out from the cold temperature, switch off the AC and let the baby get acquainted with the outside temperature.

Thus, using the AC in the newborn’s room is not harmed but only with proper care and precautions. You should keep a close watch on your newborn’s health and needs. If your baby is premature, then take special care. Following the basic precautionary measures mentioned, you can use AC for a normal newborn baby.

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