Saturday 27th April 2024

10 Natural Oils For Faster And Healthier Baby Hair Growth

Babies’ hair growth rate is largely determined by individual factors and genetics. At birth, some have lots of hair on their head, while others don’t. Even those born with hair also lose hair shortly after the delivery. This is normal and not an indication of any underlying health problem. Such a newborn’s hair regrows later. But parents are eagerly anticipating the growth and development of their little ones, including the growth of their delicate strands of hair. In this blog, we will discuss ten natural oils that have long been used for their nourishing and stimulating properties, aiding in faster hair growth.

Let’s have a look at the list of ten natural oils for faster and healthier baby hair growth.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, renowned for its versatility and numerous benefits, is also a powerful aid in promoting baby hair growth. Rich in fatty acids and nutrients, it penetrates deep into the scalp, nourishing the hair follicles and preventing dryness and breakage. Regular application through gentle massages can stimulate the hair growth process and leave your baby’s locks soft, shiny, and healthy.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil, closely resembling the natural sebum produced by the skin, is a gentle and effective option for enhancing baby hair growth. Its moisturizing properties help prevent scalp dryness, thereby creating an optimal environment for hair growth. By gently massaging the scalp with diluted jojoba oil, you can promote blood circulation, strengthen hair follicles, and encourage healthier and more robust hair growth in your little one.

Almond Oil

Known for its nourishing and emollient properties, almond oil is a popular choice for promoting hair growth in babies. This oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that support hair health and strength. By regularly applying almond oil to your baby’s scalp, you can provide essential nutrients, prevent hair breakage, and stimulate hair growth for a fuller and more vibrant head of hair.

Olive Oil

Olive oil, a kitchen staple with impressive skincare benefits, can also work wonders for baby hair growth. Its moisturizing properties help combat dryness and nourish the scalp, promoting healthier hair growth. Regular application of extra virgin olive oil to your baby’s scalp can strengthen the hair follicles, reduce scalp inflammation, and improve hair texture, resulting in faster and healthier hair growth.

Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil, derived from nutrient-dense fruit, is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that promote healthy hair growth. Its deeply moisturizing properties nourish the scalp, reduce scalp inflammation, and improve hair strength and elasticity. By gently massaging avocado oil onto your baby’s scalp, you can provide essential nutrients for optimal hair growth, resulting in thicker, shinier, and faster-growing locks.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has long been celebrated for its impressive hair growth properties, making it a valuable addition to your baby’s hair care routine. It is packed with ricinoleic acid, which has antimicrobial properties and can help combat scalp infections and promote a healthy environment for hair growth. Regular application of castor oil through gentle scalp massages can stimulate blood circulation, strengthen hair follicles, and enhance the rate of hair growth.

Argan Oil

Argan oil, often referred to as “liquid gold,” is derived from the kernels of the argan tree and is highly regarded for its nourishing and hydrating properties. It contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, which promote hair growth, repair damaged hair, and provide a healthy environment for new hair growth. Applying a few drops of argan oil to your baby’s scalp can help stimulate hair follicles and encourage faster and healthier hair growth.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil, derived from the aromatic herb, is a popular choice for promoting hair growth and scalp health. It stimulates blood circulation, strengthens hair follicles, and helps prevent dandruff and scalp dryness. Diluting rosemary oil with carrier oil and gently massaging it into your baby’s scalp can invigorate hair growth, leaving their locks thicker, shinier, and more voluminous.

Also read: Natural Home Remedies To Eliminate Baby Dandruff

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil, with its calming and soothing properties, can also aid in promoting baby hair growth. While scientific evidence on its direct effect on hair growth is limited, lavender oil’s ability to relax the scalp and reduce stress may indirectly support a healthy hair growth environment. Using diluted lavender oil for gentle scalp massages can help create a soothing experience for your baby, potentially contributing to a healthy hair growth journey.

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil, extracted from the seeds of grapes, is a lightweight oil that offers numerous benefits for baby hair growth. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and promote healthy hair growth. Applying a few drops of grapeseed oil to your baby’s scalp can help moisturize, condition, and support optimal hair growth.


Incorporating natural oils into your baby’s hair care routine can work wonders in boosting their hair growth. The ten miracle oils discussed above offer a wide range of benefits to nourish and stimulate hair growth. However, it is crucial to prioritize your baby’s safety by conducting patch tests, utilizing gentle massage techniques, and seeking professional advice if needed.

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Natural Home Remedies To Eliminate Baby Dandruff

Baby dandruff, also known as cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis, is a common skin condition that affects many infants. It is characterized by flaky, yellowish, or whitish scales on the baby’s scalp. However, there is a great difference between baby dandruff and the kind of dandruff that adults sometimes get. For babies, the condition is called cradle cap. Cradle cap is primarily caused by overactive oil glands in the baby’s scalp, leading to the accumulation of dead skin cells. It is not contagious or indicative of poor hygiene. The symptoms typically include dry, scaly patches on the scalp, which may appear yellowish or brownish. It is harmless and temporary. There are many types of anti-dandruff shampoo available in the market, and you can also use them. But they are not able to remove dandruff completely. There are many natural home remedies to eliminate baby dandruff quickly and permanently:

Gentle scalp massage and brushing

Gentle scalp massage and brushing

A simple and effective remedy to treat baby dandruff is through gentle scalp massage and brushing. Using a soft-bristled brush or a clean, soft cloth, gently rub the baby’s scalp in a circular motion to loosen the scales. This helps in improving blood circulation and promotes natural oil production, reducing dryness and flakiness.

Short baths

No doubt bath is essential to maintain hygiene, but giving a long bath to your baby can dry out their sensitive and delicate skin, which leads to baby dandruff. Keep the temperature of the water around 98 degrees Fahrenheit and bathe for not more than 10 minutes. Moreover, if you bathe your baby three or four times each week (means every alternate day) also won’t lead to any hygiene issues.

Oatmeal treatment

Oatmeal is a soothing ingredient that can help alleviate baby dandruff. Prepare a natural oatmeal paste by grinding plain oatmeal into a fine powder and mixing it with water to form a paste. Apply this paste to the affected scalp and leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing off. Oatmeal has natural exfoliating properties that can gently remove the flakes and restore the scalp’s natural balance.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is renowned for its antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it an excellent natural remedy for baby dandruff. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with carrier oil, such as coconut oil or almond oil, and apply it to the baby’s scalp. Leave it on for a few hours or overnight before gently rinsing it off with a mild baby shampoo. It is essential to dilute tea tree oil properly, as it can be too strong for a baby’s delicate skin.

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel is a gentle and soothing remedy that treats baby dandruff effectively. Extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf and apply it directly to the affected areas of the scalp. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it with lukewarm water.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known for its natural acidity, which helps restore the scalp’s pH balance and inhibit the growth of yeast or fungi that can contribute to dandruff. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and use this solution as a final rinse after shampooing the baby’s hair. Take care to avoid getting the solution into the baby’s eyes.

Breast milk

Breast milk is not only a complete source of nutrition for babies but also contains antibodies and antimicrobial properties that can help treat baby dandruff. Apply a few drops of breast milk to the affected areas of the scalp and gently massage it in. After a few minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice

Take fresh lemon juice and apply it directly on the child’s scalp. The citric acid present in lemon plays a huge role in effectively removing dandruff produced on the layers of the skin.

Neem leaves

Neem is widely known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties, which are efficacious against various skin diseases, septic sores, and infected burns. Boil 1 handful of neem leaves with 4 cups of water, then after this solution cools down, wash the hair with it. Follow this method at least 3 times a week.


Dandruff is easily removed with the help of fenugreek. Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight, then grind it in the morning, then add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to it and apply it on your child’s scalp for 20-30 minutes, then wash it with shampoo. If apple cider vinegar is unavailable, lemon can also be used.

Read this Next: Best Skin Care Tips For Toddlers

Curd and black pepper

Curd and black pepper can be used to treat dandruff. Curd has antibacterial properties, which protect us from infection caused by bacteria or fungus in the head. Black pepper has antifungal properties. Mix well-ground black pepper in a cup of curd. Apply this mixture to the child’s head. Keep in mind that use this mixture only on the head and not on the hair at all. After an hour, wash the hair thoroughly and shampoo.

Basil leaves

Basil leaves have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties, with the help of which it is known to remove dandruff. Mix one teaspoon of amla powder with the pulp of basil leaves. Use this paste on the child’s head and leave it for an hour before washing hair.


Dealing with baby dandruff can be worrisome for parents, but several effective natural home remedies can help alleviate the condition. It is crucial to remember that baby dandruff is a common occurrence and usually resolves on its own with time. However, if dandruff persists, becomes severe, or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional before using any remedies or treatments mentioned above, especially if your baby has any underlying health conditions.

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Stages Of Child Development Every Parent Must Know

Parenting is a transformative journey filled with immense joy, challenges, and constant learning. When a child is born, parents feel like they have the world’s most precious gift. They want to do everything they have dreamed of for them. Even much before the birth of a child, they wish what they will do for their child when they are growing and reaching every stage. For that, every parent must know and understand the stages of child development. It is crucial because by familiarising themselves with these stages, parents can navigate their child’s growth and provide appropriate support and guidance at each milestone. The stages of child development encompass physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects, providing a comprehensive framework to understand their child’s journey. The knowledge of these stages empowers parents to create a nurturing environment that supports their child’s better growth, fosters their unique abilities, and helps them overcome challenges. By knowing what to expect and how to respond, parents can effectively guide their children through each stage, laying the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling future.

Let’s scroll down the page to explore the important stages of child development, highlighting the key milestones and offering insights into how to promote healthy growth and learning.

Prenatal Stage 

Child development begins long before birth, during the prenatal stage. This critical period is approximately nine months, characterised by rapid growth and development. The prenatal stage is divided into three trimesters, each with its own unique milestones and challenges. During this phase, the foetus undergoes significant physical and neurological development, while the expectant mother’s health and lifestyle choices play a crucial role in shaping the child’s future well-being.

Infant Stage 

Infant Stage

The infant stage is considered from birth to 2 years. It is marked by speedy growth and development. Infants acquire critical skills, such as grasping objects, rolling over, sitting up, and eventually walking. Language development also progresses, starting with producing the cutest sounds.

Toddler Stage

Toddler Stage 

Toddlers aged 2 to 3 years experience significant advancements in motor skills, language acquisition, and social interactions. They begin to explore their surroundings more actively, learning through play and experimentation. They love to do their work in a free way. This is the stage when they learn about many things, such as toilet training, vocabulary expansion, and the development of self-awareness and social skills.

Preschool Stage 

Preschoolers are aged between 3 to 5 years old. It is a period of fast cognitive and social development. Their language skills become more refined, and they gain a deeper understanding of symbols, numbers, and basic concepts. They started doing their work with creativity and imagination and promoting social competence through play and positive relationships. This is the golden time to shape your child’s behaviour by guiding them to the right thing.

School Age Stage

The school-age stage falls from 6 to 12 years old. It is characterised by significant cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional changes. Children refine their motor skills, gain independence, and develop more advanced problem-solving abilities. They started focussing on academic progress, social relationships, and the emergence of a sense of self-identity. A sense of competition for academic achievement also started developing slowly.

Adolescent Stage

Adolescence, from 13 to 18 years, is a period of intense physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional transformations. Adolescents experience puberty and undergo significant brain development. Emotionally, adolescents navigate an array of new feelings and experiences, seeking autonomy and independence. They develop their own identities, form romantic relationships, and explore their place in the world.


Understanding the major stages of child development is crucial for parents, caregivers, and educators to provide the appropriate guidance and support for children’s growth and learning. From infancy to adolescence, each stage brings unique challenges and opportunities for development. By recognizing and nurturing children’s abilities, encouraging healthy relationships, and creating stimulating environments, we can help them thrive and reach their full potential.

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What Should Be The Pregnancy Diet Chart In The Third Trimester?

The third trimester is the last and most crucial time of pregnancy. At this time, women have to face many physical and mental challenges. Due to various changes in the body, the pregnant woman also has to face a lot of trouble. To deal with all these challenges, a lot of caution is needed in the third quarter. The most essential thing in this, too, is dietary precautions. Both mother and child can remain healthy only through diet. Let us know that some kind of diet should be taken during this time period and which should be avoided.

Foods to Eat During Your Third Trimester

During this time, the baby’s growth is rapid, and fat is formed in its body. In such a situation, you must consume a diet that can give it energy. Eating a good diet will not only benefit your baby but also you. Let us know what kind of diet should be taken in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Vitamin ‘K’

Consumption of Vitamin K is very important for you in the third trimester. Actually, it helps in thickening the blood in the body and preventing bleeding during pregnancy. You can get vitamin K from bananas, sprouts, green onions, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, mustard greens, radish, wheat, beetroot, olive oil, red chilies, and all fruits that can be juiced.

Folic acid-rich diet

To keep the baby’s umbilical cord healthy, you should take a folic acid-rich diet during this period. It removes the blood deficiency in the body of a pregnant and unborn baby. Oatmeal, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and fruits like strawberries and oranges can be consumed for folic acid.

Zinc-rich diet

You should also consume zinc rich diet daily in this condition. This will keep the child healthy, and his development will also be done properly. Not only this, but your delivery will also be easy due to this. You can include pulses, green leafy vegetables, black gram, mint, legumes, nuts, soy, eggs, and all milk products in the diet for a zinc-rich diet.

Protein, Minerals, and Iron-Rich Diet

Abundant amount of minerals and energy is very important for pregnant women in the third trimester. Apart from this, you should also take a protein and iron-rich diet daily. This will keep you and the baby healthy. For minerals, you should include almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins, etc. For iron, you should include spinach, mustard greens, fenugreek, bathua, and other green leafy vegetables in your diet. If you are a non-vegetarian, eat mutton and chicken (lean meat) as well. This will give you more iron and protein.

Food rich in calcium and vitamins

A diet rich in calcium and vitamins is vital in the third trimester for the development of the bones of the unborn baby. You should take milk, paneer, curd, and buttermilk daily. Apart from this, the consumption of almonds, oranges, green vegetables, maize, barley, millet, etc., also gives you calcium.

Omega-3-rich diet

Its intake is essential in the third trimester. Actually, it plays a vital role in the development of the child’s brain as well as in the development of muscles. For omega-3, you should include mustard oil, linseed seeds, soybean, kidney beans, black gram, fenugreek seeds, walnuts, white cowpea, khoya, etc., in the diet. If you are a non-vegetarian, then chicken and salmon fish can also be taken in the diet. Omega-3 is also present in large quantities in these.

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Foods to avoid in the third trimester of pregnancy

As you have already read, the third trimester is crucial, so you must take extra care of yourself and follow a healthy diet during this time. Bad eating habits will harm you. In such a situation, you must avoid some diet also. The foods that you should not consume during this period are as follows.

Raw Sprouts Diet

Raw sprouts should not be eaten during the third trimester of pregnancy. Eat it only after cooking it. Eating raw food may increases the risk of food poisoning, which can harm both you and the baby.

Paneer of cream milk

In this condition, eating paneer of cream milk should also be avoided. Cream milk contains bacteria called listeria, which can harm you.

Avoid raw and undercooked eggs as well

Consuming raw eggs in the third trimester can also harm you. If the egg is not fully cooked, there is a fear of salmonella infection, due to which you may have problems like vomiting and diarrhea.

Raw papaya

Be sure to keep in mind that in this condition, do not eat raw papaya. Consuming raw papaya can harm your foetus.

Stay away from raw meat as well

Raw or undercooked meat is also not beneficial for you at this stage. It can harm you. Because of this, you can be vulnerable to toxoplasmosis.

Because the third trimester is the last phase of your pregnancy, you should take all kinds of precautions in it. Especially dietary precautions are essential. This will keep your baby and you healthy.

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Cure Your Baby’s Diaper Rash Fast With Effective Home Remedies

Diaper rash is a common skin condition that affects many babies and toddlers. It occurs when the delicate skin in the diaper area becomes irritated due to factors such as moisture, friction, and exposure to irritants. Dealing with diaper rash can be challenging for parents, but there are numerous effective home remedies available to provide relief and promote healing. In this blog, we will explore the best remedies to get rid of diaper rash and restore your baby’s comfort.

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding Diaper Rash
  2. Causes of Diaper Rash
  3. Prevention is Key
  4. Natural Remedies for Diaper Rash
  5. A. Coconut Oil: The Versatile Healer
  6. B. Oatmeal Baths: Soothing and Nourishing
  7. C. Aloe Vera Gel: Nature’s Cooling Agent
  8. D. Breast Milk: Liquid Gold for Diaper Rash
  9. E. Witch Hazel: Cooling and Soothing Relief
  10. F. Baking Soda: Natural Antifungal
  11. G. Pure Ghee: Natural Healer and Moisturiser
  12. When to Seek Medical Attention
  13. Conclusion

Understanding Diaper Rash

Any rash that appears in your baby’s diaper area is considered a diaper rash. In minor cases, the skin may be red and painful. A severe diaper rash can result in painful, exposed sores. With home treatment, mild cases resolve in three to four days. However, medical care can be required in more severe situations. Diaper rashes are the most prevalent skin problem noticed in newborns.

Causes of Diaper Rash

Diaper rash can result from a variety of factors, such as:

  • Excessive moisture in your little’s diaper area
  • Rubbing in their diaper area
  • Allergic reaction to diaper
  • Leaving a soaked diaper on for too long
  • Bacterial infection
  • Yeast infection

Prevention is Key

It is always better to avoid diaper rash than to treat it. Here are a few simple steps to prevent it:

  • Clean and Dry

While changing a diaper, always gently clean the area with a soft cloth or wipe. Avoid using alcohol-containing wipes as they can provoke the4 child’s sensitive skin. Moreover, try to keep your baby diaper free as much as possible.

  • Change diapers often

Baby’s skin gets irritated more when their skin remains exposed to wet for a long time. So as parents, you need to be extra careful and change the diaper frequently, even if it is slightly wet.

  • Avoid scented soaps

Scented soaps can cause skin irritation. It may harsh the diaper rash or can cause it. Even though some baby soap manufacturing companies promote their products as child friendly but it is better to avoid using scented baby soaps.

  • Allow the area to breath

In the case of mild cases, assuring that a newborn with diaper rash spends some time during the day without a diaper or bottoms on can aid in the areas drying up and healing.

Infants with diaper rash shouldn’t be placed in tight, synthetic, or rubber bottoms at any time.

Allow the skin to breathe to keep the rash free. Dress them in loose bottoms made of 100% cotton to keep them away from getting any rash.

Natural Remedies for Diaper Rash


1. Coconut Oil: The Versatile Healer

Coconut oil possesses natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent remedy for diaper rash. Take a few drops and gently massage their affected skin.


2. Oatmeal Baths: Soothing and Nourishing

Oatmeal is known for its calming and moisturizing effects on the skin. Make a powdered form of raw oatmeal and add the powder to a bathtub containing lukewarm water. Then soak in the mixture for about 10 minutes. After the bath, rinse off with lukewarm water.

3. Aloe Vera Gel: Nature’s Cooling Agent

Aloe vera gel has soothing and cooling properties that can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Take a small amount and apply it to the bottom area.

4. Breast Milk: Liquid Gold for Diaper Rash

Breast milk is not only a valuable source of nutrition but also a natural remedy for diaper rash.

Related:  Best Skin Care Tips For Toddlers

5. Witch Hazel: Cooling and Soothing Relief

Witch hazel is a natural astringent with cooling and soothing properties that helps to reduce minor skin problems.

6. Baking Soda: Natural Antifungal

Baking soda acts as a natural antifungal agent, combating the fungal infections contributing to diaper rash. Add two spoons of baking soda to the baby’s bath water to bath. Otherwise, you can apply a thin layer on the affected area and then leave for 10 mins before rinsing.

7. Pure Ghee: Natural Healer and Moisturiser

Ghee is a traditional method and is considered the best moisturizer for babies. It helps to make skin soft, supple, and healthy. Simply use ghee in the affected area to quickly heal and moisturize.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While most diaper rashes can be effectively treated at home, there are situations where medical attention is necessary. If your baby is suffering from a more severe condition, such as worsening more day by day, rash bleeds, blisters or pus-filled sores, fever with a painful red rash, and any other major symptoms, then you need to consult a healthcare professional immediately.


In conclusion, diaper rash is a common issue that can be distressing for both babies and parents. However, with the use of effective home remedies, parents can alleviate diaper rash quickly and naturally. By practicing good hygiene, preventing diaper rash, and using these natural remedies, parents can comfort their little ones while promoting healing.

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Simple Tips To Limit Your Child’s Mobile Phone Uses

In today’s digital era, it is a great headache for parents to keep their children away from mobile phones. Nowadays, in every household, there are at least 2 to 4 devices. Smartphones and tablets have now become essential learning tool for the children. No doubt, it has numerous benefits, but it also creates an addictive and negative impact on a child’s overall development. Irresponsible use of mobile phones also affects their health. Many parents believe that it is too hard to reduce the use of mobile phones among children. So most parents just scold them and leave them with mobile phones to do whatever they like.

Harmful effects of smartphones

As a parent, you have to understand the detrimental effects of mobile phone use on your children. Most children are addicted to the internet, playing games, social media, chatting, and others. They mostly like to use mobile phones before going to sleep.

Here is a list of side effects of mobile phone uses:

  • Behavioral problems
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Addiction
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Concentration and learning issues
  • Weakening of attention span
  • Eyesight problems
  • Headache
  • Insomnia

Ways to avoid mobile phone uses

Engaged in creative works

Creative activities help to develop the cognitive thinking of the child. It helps them to develop something new and develop their mind in decision-making and problem-solving. If your child engages in creative activities, then they will be less attracted to mobile phones and more involved in healthier growth. Encourage your child to do activities like drawing, painting, crafting, dancing, gardening, swimming, reading story books, creating stories, writing essays, and playing indoor and outdoor games like chess, ludo, carrom board, puzzle, badminton, cycling, football, and others.


Encourage outdoor activities

Children mostly want to use mobile phones while staying inside the home. They feel like they have no work to do and start using mobile phones. To minimize the use of mobile phone, it is better to engage your child in outdoor activities like visiting parks, walks with pets, gardening, watering plants, playing with children, and so on.

These days, children have already forgotten to enjoy themselves. So they find enjoyment in smartphones.

Use Parental Control Apps

Parental control apps help to manage children’s mobile phone usage. With the help of these apps, parents can set restrictions on app usage, screen time, and access to specific content. They can also track their child’s online activities and block inappropriate websites or apps. Additionally, parents can monitor and manage their child’s phone usage, calls, and messages more effectively.

Develop tech-free zones at home

Try to make tech-free zones in specific areas of your home to maintain a distance between your children and mobile phones. Establish tech-free zones in your bedroom to encourage better sleep habits and prevent late-night phone use. Additionally, ensure screen time limits to avoid distractions around meal times, homework time, bedtime, traveling, and other essential time. Establish a healthy family interactions zone to cut time from phone use. A tech-free environment promotes improved family connection, communication, and time spent together.

Be a Role Model

Children mostly learn by observing their parents’ activities and behaviour. They usually mimic you. So be attentive to your own mobile phone-using habits and become a positive example for them. Minimize your own screen time when you are present with your child, and avoid using the phone excessively during family time.

When spending quality time with your child, engage in meaningful conversations, activities, or outings that do not involve mobile phones. Encourage face-to-face interactions and show them the value of direct human connection to strengthen the parent children relationship.


In a world where technology rules, it is crucial for parents to actively monitor how their children use mobile phones. Parents need to support their children in developing healthy connections with smart devices by setting clear rules such as supporting outdoor activities, establishing tech-free zones, encouraging them to do creative activities, utilizing parental control apps, setting screen time limits, and maintaining face-to-face communication.

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Usage Of Air Conditioner For Newborn: Good Or Bad

The most common question comes to every new first-time parent’s mind is, Is it safe to use air conditioners (AC) in my newborn baby’s room? Well, the answer is “yes, it is safe,” but with certain precautions. According to most pediatricians, using AC in a newly born’s room is safe rather than letting them stay in a hot and humid environment.

A well-ventilated room also helps prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk. Moreover, when babies stay in extremely hot and humid temperatures, they start getting heat-related illnesses such as heat rash, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration. Therefore, they need a properly ventilated, fresh airy room for comfortable sleep and healthy growth.

On the other hand, a too-cold room can severely affect your baby by lower down the body temperature and chilling them. This is because babies, particularly newborns, cannot regulate their body temperatures as well as adults. That’s why the main problem with using the AC running is a sudden drop down in temperature.

Here are the certain precautions that you need to follow to keep your newborn comfortable in an AC room:


Maintain comfortable room temperature

Changes in the outside temperature can affect the cooling of your AC. So always keep the temperature in a comfortable setting. According to the pediatrician’s recommendation, the temperature of a room must be between 23 to 27 degrees Celsius, depending on the outside temperature.


Avoid direct blasts of cold air

When you use an AC, make sure that your baby does not come in direct contact with air from AC. This can affect their health very harshly.


Use light blanket

While using AC, cover your baby’s body with a light blanket. Do not use a heavy blanket. Remember that your baby needs only one extra layer than you. If you plan to use an alight blanket, tuck it below your baby’s elbows to avoid covering the face.


Dress your baby rightly

Temperatures usually drop at night, so it is essential to properly dress up your baby in full-length clothes. This will protect your baby from cold air. Remember that clothes should not be of a thick layer. You can also cover their head and ear with a light cap and also use light cotton socks to cover their feet.


Use moisturiser

Air conditioner makes the room dry. So you must apply moisturiser on your baby’s skin to avoid dryness.


You may have heard people say to apply oil around your baby’s nose or dip an earbud in baby oil and gently applying to each nostril to prevent nose bleeding caused by dry nasal passages. But you should take the doctor’s suggestions before applying any oil to your baby’s nostrils.

Moreover, some mothers recommended keeping a bowl of water in the AC room. This will help to balance the dryness in the air.


Service the ACs regularly

When you have a newborn baby at home, you should be extra careful with everything. You should get your AC cleaned or serviced on a regular basis as the dust or other toxic items get deposited on the AC filters, which is very harmful to your baby. Moreover, regular servicing not only makes the air clean to breathe but also helps in the effective working of the equipment.



Do not shift your baby suddenly from cold to the warm temperature

Babies are susceptible to even a slight variation in temperature. Sudden temperature changes can make them sick. When you want to take your baby out from the cold temperature, switch off the AC and let the baby get acquainted with the outside temperature.

Thus, using the AC in the newborn’s room is not harmed but only with proper care and precautions. You should keep a close watch on your newborn’s health and needs. If your baby is premature, then take special care. Following the basic precautionary measures mentioned, you can use AC for a normal newborn baby.

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