Thursday 2nd May 2024

Simple Tips To Limit Your Child’s Mobile Phone Uses

In today’s digital era, it is a great headache for parents to keep their children away from mobile phones. Nowadays, in every household, there are at least 2 to 4 devices. Smartphones and tablets have now become essential learning tool for the children. No doubt, it has numerous benefits, but it also creates an addictive and negative impact on a child’s overall development. Irresponsible use of mobile phones also affects their health. Many parents believe that it is too hard to reduce the use of mobile phones among children. So most parents just scold them and leave them with mobile phones to do whatever they like.

Harmful effects of smartphones

As a parent, you have to understand the detrimental effects of mobile phone use on your children. Most children are addicted to the internet, playing games, social media, chatting, and others. They mostly like to use mobile phones before going to sleep.

Here is a list of side effects of mobile phone uses:

  • Behavioral problems
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Addiction
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Concentration and learning issues
  • Weakening of attention span
  • Eyesight problems
  • Headache
  • Insomnia

Ways to avoid mobile phone uses

Engaged in creative works

Creative activities help to develop the cognitive thinking of the child. It helps them to develop something new and develop their mind in decision-making and problem-solving. If your child engages in creative activities, then they will be less attracted to mobile phones and more involved in healthier growth. Encourage your child to do activities like drawing, painting, crafting, dancing, gardening, swimming, reading story books, creating stories, writing essays, and playing indoor and outdoor games like chess, ludo, carrom board, puzzle, badminton, cycling, football, and others.


Encourage outdoor activities

Children mostly want to use mobile phones while staying inside the home. They feel like they have no work to do and start using mobile phones. To minimize the use of mobile phone, it is better to engage your child in outdoor activities like visiting parks, walks with pets, gardening, watering plants, playing with children, and so on.

These days, children have already forgotten to enjoy themselves. So they find enjoyment in smartphones.

Use Parental Control Apps

Parental control apps help to manage children’s mobile phone usage. With the help of these apps, parents can set restrictions on app usage, screen time, and access to specific content. They can also track their child’s online activities and block inappropriate websites or apps. Additionally, parents can monitor and manage their child’s phone usage, calls, and messages more effectively.

Develop tech-free zones at home

Try to make tech-free zones in specific areas of your home to maintain a distance between your children and mobile phones. Establish tech-free zones in your bedroom to encourage better sleep habits and prevent late-night phone use. Additionally, ensure screen time limits to avoid distractions around meal times, homework time, bedtime, traveling, and other essential time. Establish a healthy family interactions zone to cut time from phone use. A tech-free environment promotes improved family connection, communication, and time spent together.

Be a Role Model

Children mostly learn by observing their parents’ activities and behaviour. They usually mimic you. So be attentive to your own mobile phone-using habits and become a positive example for them. Minimize your own screen time when you are present with your child, and avoid using the phone excessively during family time.

When spending quality time with your child, engage in meaningful conversations, activities, or outings that do not involve mobile phones. Encourage face-to-face interactions and show them the value of direct human connection to strengthen the parent children relationship.


In a world where technology rules, it is crucial for parents to actively monitor how their children use mobile phones. Parents need to support their children in developing healthy connections with smart devices by setting clear rules such as supporting outdoor activities, establishing tech-free zones, encouraging them to do creative activities, utilizing parental control apps, setting screen time limits, and maintaining face-to-face communication.

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Ways To Instill Good Habits And Manners In Your Kid

Children are always quick to adapt to everything surrounding them, especially others’ activities. They quickly learn and imitate what others do, and they start doing the same. We all know children learn from what they see and listen to; therefore, parents must lead them to inculcate good habits in them.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.”

Developing good habits in children is essential to design their behaviour and personality. It makes them good human beings; otherwise, they may adopt bad habits. It is always easier to adopt negative things than positive things because it looks easier to us. In fact, it is the human being’s inborn tendency to adopt the negative or wrong things as it gives us a quick result. Children are also unknowingly doing the same thing so it is the parent’s responsibility to show them the right path before they turn towards the wrong way.

Parents must teach and guide them with interaction. If your child forgets or fails to follow some rules, repeatedly remind them, but avoid negative comments, discouragement, or punishments.

Always track your child’s development. Focus on your child’s weaker areas and help them strengthen them. Attend the parent-teacher meeting, or if you feel you need an update about your child, discuss it with their teachers. In this way, you can understand your child’s progress.

Now let us discuss some ways to develop good habits and manners in your kid.


Ways To Instill Good Habits And Manners In Your Children


Keep things positive around them

A child’s initial developing years are very delicate, so try to keep the environment positive around them. In this stage, whatever they learn will leave a mark on their mind and affect their thought pattern. Always make them feel that their home is a happy home.


Phrases for basic manners

From the very initial stages of their learning, teach them some essential phrases that show basic manners. Encourage them to use words like Welcome, Thank you, and Sorry, where appropriate. Also, you can give examples of the good-mannered child they know but remember, do not compare with them.


Encourage learning, not competition

When your child becomes a school-going student, encourage them to focus on learning rather than competition. Make them understand that what they learn will stay with them for life long. Never force them to stand first in the class. This will develop unhealthy competition in their mind, and they start rote learning.


Show respect

As children imitate their elders very quickly, so you must show them respect. It is the time to encourage them to do the same.


Tell moral stories

Reading out stories from a book with a moral lesson motivates them and inspires them to behave correctly. You must get some story books from a bookstore and read at least one moral-based story every day at bedtime. You can also read the stories aloud to strengthen their pronunciation and command over the language.


Teach responsibility

Teach them to take care of and be responsible for others. Though it is not easy, you must do this so that they can grow up to be a caring adult. You can ensure this trait by giving them to keep something important thing.


Encourage family bonding

No matter how much busy you are, you must spend some time with your child. Family time is very crucial for your growing child. Introduce them to different members of your family. Tell them how they are related to them and teach them how to treat them. In this way, you can make your child understand the importance of family.

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