Saturday 27th April 2024

Easy Ways To Sharpen Your Child’s Mind

Every parent wants their child to be smart and intelligent, to be the fastest in studies, and to be successful. But not every parent’s wish needs to be fulfilled comfortably. As every child is different, some children have a naturally sharp minds, and some have a weak one. In such a situation, due to the weakness of the brain, children are often weak in studies as well, their memory is weak, and they are unable to remember things for a long time. All these parents are very worried. If you are also going through this kind of problem, then there is no need to worry.

In this blog, we will tell you some such measures, with the help of which you can sharpen your child’s mind and increase his memory.

Keep these things in mind to sharpen your child’s mind

Games and sports are very helpful

Games and sports are very helpful

Physical activities and sports are necessary for the development of children’s minds and memory. Play mind games with your child at home. This will exercise his brain, and his memory will be sharp along with the development of the brain. Play with your little one with different objects, hide those objects, and later ask the child what is missing. Apart from this, narrate riddles, counting, etc., to the children while playing and then ask them to repeat.

Story and song also help a lot

Story and song also help a lot while sleeping on bed

Children often like to listen to stories especially bedtime stories. Children remember the story too. In such a situation, if you want the child’s memory power to increase, tell him as many stories as possible and then ask him to say to them. Apart from this, singing can also help you in this work. Due to the music, the song is easily remembered by anyone.

7-9 hours of sleep is essential

If you want to sharpen your child’s mind, then at least 7-9 hours of sleep is very important for them. If the mind of the beloved is sharp, then do not compromise with his sleep.

Keep asking questions occasionally

Keep asking questions from time to time about your child’s activities related to school and home, like what happened in school, what did madam/sir say, what friends did you play with, what did you eat, what you liked and didn’t like. All this will keep his mind moving and enhance his ability to remember things.

Give almonds to the child

Eating almonds also sharpens memory. You soak 5 almonds in water overnight. Peel and grind it in the morning and put it in warm milk, and add 3 spoons of honey to it and give it to the child regularly. However, remember that after drinking this milk, the child should not eat anything else for at least one and a half hours.

Urad dal (black pea)

Soak 2-3 spoons of urad dal overnight. Make a paste of it in the morning and mix it in milk. After this, add a little sugar candy to the milk and give it to the child daily. This will also increase the memory of the child.

Feed Spinach

Spinach is high in magnesium, potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin E, and folate. It helps in increasing memory. In such a situation, try to feed more and more spinach to the child.

Gooseberry (Amla)

Gooseberry (Amla)

Mix two spoons of honey with one spoon of Indian gooseberry juice and give it to the child daily. This will increase his memory power. Apart from this, it would be best to provide him with gooseberry marmalade to eat on an empty stomach daily in the morning; this will also be useful in increasing memory.

Feed walnuts


Eating walnuts also increases memory. Give the child 20 grams of walnuts and 10 grams of raisins daily. However, reduce its quantity in summer.

Apple can also help

Eating an apple every morning on an empty stomach improves memory. It charges the brain cells and develops the power of thinking and understanding.

Also read: Best Foods To Boost Memory Power Of Your Child

Give carrot and sesame seeds

Eating carrots also sharpens memory. Apart from this, it would help if you give the child a mixture of sesame and jaggery to eat daily. Even this will sharpen the mind.

Black pepper also has power

Black pepper

Grind 5 black pepper daily and make its powder. After this, mix butter and sugar candy and give it to the child to eat. This will also increase his memory power.


Enhancing memory power is a slow process that requires consistent effort and the adoption of healthy habits. Incorporating the above ways discussed in this article, such as games and sports, quality sleep, a healthy diet, and some essential brain-stimulating habits, can significantly sharpen your child’s mind. Everyone’s brain is unique, so it is essential to experiment with different approaches and identify what works best for your child.

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8 Crucial Lifestyle Changes To Consider Before Planning Pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing journey. The time of pregnancy is a special moment for any woman. She would never want her or the baby to face any problems during this time. But nowadays, women have to face many complications during pregnancy due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Following an unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy increases the risk of problems like gestational diabetes, hypertension, and premature delivery. To ensure the best possible outcomes for both the mother and the baby, it is crucial to adopt a healthy lifestyle well in advance. Making certain lifestyle changes before planning pregnancy can significantly improve fertility, increase the chances of a successful conception, and contribute to a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

This article will discuss eight crucial lifestyle changes that can positively impact reproductive health and set the stage for a joyful and healthy pregnancy.

Adopt a Nutrient-Rich Diet

Before planning pregnancy, it is crucial to adopt a nutrient-rich diet that supports both fertility and fetal development. Your diet should contain a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Include foods rich in folic acid, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, as they play a vital role in reproductive health and fetal growth. Minimize the consumption of processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats, as they can hinder fertility and pregnancy outcomes.

Attain a Healthy Body Weight

Achieving and maintaining healthy body weight is paramount for reproductive health and successful conception. Being underweight and overweight can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and decreased fertility. Consult with a healthcare specialist to assess your ideal weight range and create a personalised plan. Regular physical activity, such as cardio, strength training, or yoga, can help with weight loss and general fitness.

Prioritize Regular Exercise

Regular exercise not only aids in maintaining a healthy weight but also contributes to overall well-being and reproductive health. Spend at least 150 minutes per week working out at a moderate level. This includes walking, yoga, jogging, swimming, or cycling. However, avoiding excessive exercise or intense workouts is important, as they may disrupt menstrual cycles and hinder fertility. Consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable exercise routine for your unique circumstances.

Quit Unhealthy Habits

It is crucial to eliminate unhealthy habits, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, recreational drug use, and improper sleep cycle, before planning pregnancy. Smoking decreases fertility, increases the risk of miscarriage, and hampers fetal growth. Alcohol intake can result in birth abnormalities and developmental problems. Recreational drug use can severely affect fertility and pose significant risks to the developing baby. Improper sleep cycles impact the digestive system, heart, and mental health. Seek professional help and support systems to overcome these habits and ensure a healthy start for your future child.

Optimize Your Mental Health

Mental well-being plays a vital role in reproductive health and the journey of pregnancy. Prioritize self-care and stress management techniques to reduce anxiety and promote emotional balance. Take part in things that make you feel fulfilled, happy, and relaxed. Practice mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to alleviate stress and create a positive mindset. Ensure you have a strong support system consisting of loved ones, friends, or professional counselors, to help you navigate any emotional challenges.

Evaluate Medications and Supplements

Before attempting to conceive, review any medications you take with your healthcare provider. Some medications may interfere with fertility or pose risks during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can adjust your medications or recommend suitable alternatives that are safe for conception and pregnancy. Additionally, discuss the need for prenatal vitamins or specific supplements, such as folic acid or iron, to ensure optimal nutrition for you and your future baby.

Assess and Address Underlying Health Conditions

Pre-existing health conditions can impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes. It is crucial to assess and address any underlying health conditions before planning pregnancy. Conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, hypertension, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) require careful management to optimize reproductive health and reduce potential risks during pregnancy. Consult with your healthcare provider to develop a plan that effectively manages your health condition and supports your journey toward conception.

Seek Preconception Healthcare

A preconception healthcare visit is an essential step before planning pregnancy. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to assess your overall health, review your medical history, and discuss any concerns or questions you may have. Your healthcare provider can guide you through necessary vaccinations, screenings, and genetic tests that may be recommended prior to conception. They can also offer valuable advice on optimizing fertility and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.


Planning for pregnancy involves more than just timing intercourse or monitoring ovulation cycles. It necessitates a holistic approach to health and well-being. By adopting the above-mentioned essential steps, you can pave the way for a successful and healthy pregnancy for you and your growing family.

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Best Foods To Boost Memory Power Of Your Child

As parents, you constantly strive to provide the best for your child, including their overall development and well-being. Among the many factors that contribute to a child’s growth, memory power plays a crucial role in their academic success and cognitive abilities. While various factors influence memory, including genetics and environmental factors, nutrition plays a significant role in enhancing brain function. There are certain foods that are known for their ability to improve memory and cognitive function in children. A proper diet helps your child maintain proper mental fitness levels.

Moreover, according to the NLM website, despite accounting for only 2% of body weight, the brain consumes 20 percent of the body’s total energy intake per day. Because of this, a healthy diet is an important way to increase memory power in children. Here in this article, we will explore the best foods to boost the memory power of your child and help them reach their full potential.

Foods to boost memory power

Eating fruits

blueberry and pomegranate fruits

By giving your child fruits or homemade fruit juice, you can keep your child’s brain healthy and fit because the antioxidants found in fruits are very helpful in maintaining the activity of your child’s brain. You should include these in your child’s diet, which will sharpen his memory as well as relieve mental stress.

Blueberries – Blueberries are often referred to as “brain berries” due to their exceptional cognitive benefits. Filled with antioxidants and phytochemicals, these tiny fruits help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can impair memory and cognitive function. Blueberries have been shown to improve memory and learning abilities in children, making them an excellent addition to their diet. Whether eaten fresh, added to smoothies, or used in baked goods, blueberries provide a delicious and nutritious boost to your child’s brainpower.

Pomegranate and apple – Pomegranates and apples should be consumed to sharpen the brain and increase memory. Pomegranate contains plenty of antioxidant elements which are considered very important elements for your brain.

Encourage to drink green tea

green tea

If your child consumes tea or coffee, then you can give green tea instead because green tea contains polyphenols elements which prove to be helpful in keeping his mind sharp.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds, are packed with nutrients beneficial for brain health. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin E, and other essential minerals. These nutrients work together to reduce inflammation, improve blood flow to the brain, and enhance cognitive function. Nuts and seeds can be incorporated into your child’s diet as a snack, added to yogurt or smoothies, or used as toppings in various dishes. You can also give them in the form of paste.

Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables, including spinach, kale, and broccoli, are abundant in nutrients such as folate, vitamin K, and antioxidants. These essential nutrients help protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation while promoting proper brain function. Folate, in particular, has been linked to memory enhancement and improved cognitive skills. By incorporating leafy greens into your child’s meals, you can provide them with a wide range of vitamins and minerals vital for memory consolidation and overall brain health.

Whole grains

Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice, are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and B vitamins. These nutrients provide a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream, supplying the brain with a constant source of energy. This sustained energy release helps enhance focus, attention, and memory. Including whole grains in your child’s diet can also prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes, ensuring their brain functions optimally throughout the day.



Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse with several essential nutrients beneficial for brain health. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline, in particular, is a crucial nutrient for memory and brain development. It helps in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning. Including eggs in your child’s diet provides them with a wide range of nutrients that support optimal brain function.

Read this Next: Feeling Distracted? Tips To Increase Your Focus And Concentration Level


Including the above in your child’s diet is extremely beneficial for your child’s mental development. It is not enough to spend more on the food of the child, but more than that, it is necessary to have a balanced diet. In addition to a healthy diet, ensure that your child stays hydrated, gets regular exercise, and maintains a good sleep routine. Limiting processed foods, sugary snacks, and drinks high in added sugars is also important for overall brain health.

Remember, a well-nourished brain is a powerful brain!

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Essential Postpartum Skin Care Tips for New Moms

Bringing a new life into the world is a beautiful and transformative experience for any woman. However, the journey through pregnancy and childbirth can have an immense effect on a woman’s body, including her skin. Hormonal fluctuations, physical changes, and the stress of motherhood can leave new moms with various skin concerns. It is essential for new mothers to prioritize self-care, including postpartum skin care, to rejuvenate and restore their skin’s health.

On this page, we will explore a range of postpartum skin care tips to help new moms navigate this transformative period.

Hydration is Key

During the postpartum period, it is crucial to keep your body hydrated to promote overall skin health. Drinking adequate water helps flush out toxins and keeps your skin supple and moisturized. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, and consider carrying a water bottle with you wherever you go to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Gentle Cleansing

A gentle cleansing routine is vital for new moms, as hormonal changes may lead to dryness or sensitivity. Opt for a mild, soap-free cleanser that doesn’t strip away the skin’s natural oils. Avoid harsh exfoliants or rough scrubs, as they can irritate the skin. Instead, choose a gentle or enzyme-based exfoliating cleanser to remove dead skin cells and reveal a brighter complexion.

Moisturize Regularly

Moisturizing is crucial in postpartum skin care, as it helps replenish moisture and maintain the skin’s natural barrier. Look for moisturizers that contain nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and natural oils like jojoba or almond oil. Apply moisturizer liberally after cleansing, focusing on areas prone to dryness, such as the face, hands, and abdomen.

Managing Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common concern for many new moms. These marks can appear on the abdomen, thighs, hips, or breasts as a result of the skin stretching during pregnancy. While they may fade over time, there are steps you can take to minimize their appearance. Applying a nourishing body oil or cream, rich in vitamins A and E, to the affected areas can help improve skin elasticity and reduce the visibility of stretch marks. Regular massage also promotes blood circulation and aids in the regeneration of skin cells. You can also use olive oil to regularly massage the stretch-marked skin for fast recovery.

Combat Postpartum Acne

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and postpartum can trigger acne breakouts. To combat postpartum acne, maintain a consistent skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, exfoliation, and a moisturizer. Avoid using harsh acne treatments that may contain ingredients unsuitable for nursing mothers. If the acne persists or worsens, consult a dermatologist for safe and effective treatment options.

Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial for preventing premature aging, hyperpigmentation and maintaining overall skin health. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher before going outdoors, even on cloudy days. Don’t forget to reapply every two hours, especially if you are spending extended periods outside.

Self-Care Practices

Taking time for self-care can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Incorporate relaxing practices into your daily routine, such as indulging in a warm bath, doing gentle yoga or meditation, or enjoying a facial mask treatment. These activities not only promote skin health but also help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calm.

Adequate Sleep and Rest

Sleep deprivation is a common struggle for new moms, but it can have a significant impact on the skin. Dullness, dark circles, and fine wrinkles might result from not getting enough sleep. Whenever possible, prioritize restful sleep and establish a nighttime routine to help improve the quality of your sleep.

Nutrition for Healthy Skin

Eating a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants can contribute to healthier skin. Include foods high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids to support collagen production, protect against oxidative stress, and promote skin repair. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals for optimal skin nourishment.

Seek Professional Advice

If you experience persistent skin concerns or have questions about specific products or treatments, don’t hesitate to consult with a dermatologist. They can provide personalized recommendations and guidance tailored to your skin’s needs and ensure the safety and efficacy of any interventions. There are certain skin care products you need to avoid if you are continuing breastfeeding.

Bottom Line

For new mothers, the postpartum period is a time of significant change and adjustment. Prioritizing self-care, including a dedicated skincare routine, can help restore and rejuvenate the skin, promoting a sense of well-being during this transformative phase. By following these postpartum skincare tips, new moms can address common skin concerns, promote skin health, and feel confident in their radiant, glowing skin as they embark on the beautiful journey of motherhood. Remember, self-care is not selfish; it is an essential part of being the best version of yourself for your little one.

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Best Summer Activities For Your Child At Home

Summer brings unbearable heat, making it impossible for the children to play outside. But children are very active, and they do not like to sit quietly at home. They always want to do some interesting, engaging, and entertaining activities after their study hours. Here are a few pocket-friendly summer activities that will keep your child engaged and also let them have fun while learning something new.


Homemade playdough



Children are always eager to explore something new with their playthings. They try to break, tear and crush things to give them a new shape. Much ready-made clay is available in the market, but it is better to use homemade clay. You need to buy only a few things to make homemade clay-Flour, salt, and food colors. Your child will be very attracted to it and can mould it to give various shapes. If they accidentally swallow it, it will not harm them as they are made from edible products.


Drawing and Painting



Painting is an activity that continuously grabs children’s attention. It increases their creative thinking. Painting is actually the presentation of the mind’s thinking on a surface. It helps children understand the colours, effects of colour mixing, and others.


Origami and Craft Making



Origami simply means the art of creating new shapes and figures by folding paper. Craft making includes all types of skillful activities such as carving, weaving, pottery, and others. These things not only improve a handful of skills but also enhance the children’s creativity.





Gardening gives a beautiful experience to your child. It will help your child to make a bond with nature and learn valuable lessons. In fact, they can understand the importance of planting trees. Your child can also help you water the plants, dig holes to grow the seed, and pluck the flowers that bloom.


Play musical instruments

Children love the sound, especially loud ones. Give your child a play piano which is a toy version of an actual piano. You can even give any real musical instrument to play with. In addition to having fun, your child can start understanding rhythm and beats and also start making musical notes. Music not only helps to make cognitive development but also boosts memory.


Connect the dot

Take paper and pen, draw some dots in the form of shapes, numbers, or alphabets, and ask your child to connect them by drawing lines.





Every day bring a newspaper that contains Sudoku or crosswords to solve. This will increase their memory power and problem-solving skills.



While you are cooking, engage your child in it. This is a very fun activity for your child. It not only has a practical purpose but also helps your child to make their favourite dish.

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Ways To Instill Good Habits And Manners In Your Kid

Children are always quick to adapt to everything surrounding them, especially others’ activities. They quickly learn and imitate what others do, and they start doing the same. We all know children learn from what they see and listen to; therefore, parents must lead them to inculcate good habits in them.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.”

Developing good habits in children is essential to design their behaviour and personality. It makes them good human beings; otherwise, they may adopt bad habits. It is always easier to adopt negative things than positive things because it looks easier to us. In fact, it is the human being’s inborn tendency to adopt the negative or wrong things as it gives us a quick result. Children are also unknowingly doing the same thing so it is the parent’s responsibility to show them the right path before they turn towards the wrong way.

Parents must teach and guide them with interaction. If your child forgets or fails to follow some rules, repeatedly remind them, but avoid negative comments, discouragement, or punishments.

Always track your child’s development. Focus on your child’s weaker areas and help them strengthen them. Attend the parent-teacher meeting, or if you feel you need an update about your child, discuss it with their teachers. In this way, you can understand your child’s progress.

Now let us discuss some ways to develop good habits and manners in your kid.


Ways To Instill Good Habits And Manners In Your Children


Keep things positive around them

A child’s initial developing years are very delicate, so try to keep the environment positive around them. In this stage, whatever they learn will leave a mark on their mind and affect their thought pattern. Always make them feel that their home is a happy home.


Phrases for basic manners

From the very initial stages of their learning, teach them some essential phrases that show basic manners. Encourage them to use words like Welcome, Thank you, and Sorry, where appropriate. Also, you can give examples of the good-mannered child they know but remember, do not compare with them.


Encourage learning, not competition

When your child becomes a school-going student, encourage them to focus on learning rather than competition. Make them understand that what they learn will stay with them for life long. Never force them to stand first in the class. This will develop unhealthy competition in their mind, and they start rote learning.


Show respect

As children imitate their elders very quickly, so you must show them respect. It is the time to encourage them to do the same.


Tell moral stories

Reading out stories from a book with a moral lesson motivates them and inspires them to behave correctly. You must get some story books from a bookstore and read at least one moral-based story every day at bedtime. You can also read the stories aloud to strengthen their pronunciation and command over the language.


Teach responsibility

Teach them to take care of and be responsible for others. Though it is not easy, you must do this so that they can grow up to be a caring adult. You can ensure this trait by giving them to keep something important thing.


Encourage family bonding

No matter how much busy you are, you must spend some time with your child. Family time is very crucial for your growing child. Introduce them to different members of your family. Tell them how they are related to them and teach them how to treat them. In this way, you can make your child understand the importance of family.

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