Thursday 2nd May 2024

CV vs. Resume: Which You Should Give To Recruiter?

Whenever you are reading a job posting, you have undoubtedly noticed some recruiters ask for a resume while others ask for a CV. Sometimes they write to send a resume/CV. In reality, both resume and CV are used in job applications, but sometimes some recruiters may accept either. But interestingly, many job seekers (even some recruiters also) commonly think that a resume and CV are the same. So they can be used interchangeably. This is a common mistake they make. They are not the same. You must have knowledge about the clear difference between these. Otherwise, there is a possibility of not getting the job even if you are an eligible person.

Both a resume and a CV are documents used to search for jobs. But still, they are used with a specific goal. No doubt, both are used to represent you in front of the recruiters. So you must create it in the best possible way to market yourself and capture attention quickly.

Now, quickly read this article to know what a resume and CV are. are When and where to use them? What is the difference between them?

Let’s start!

What is a resume?

The word ‘resume’ is French word that means ‘summary.’

A resume is a brief and formal document where job aspirants need to summarize their career history or qualifications, skills, and experiences. They need to mention their professional career listwise. It is widely used for applying for specific jobs by highlighting the contribution they have made in their previous work as well as the need to showcase how they have applied their skills in the position to bring a difference.

It is generally submitted with a cover letter where you have to mention your intention for applying for the job.

What to include on a resume

  1. Full name
  2. Job title or position you are applying for
  3. Contact details
  4. Resume objective or summary
  5. Work experience
  6. Education
  7. Skills
  8. Awards or achievements
  9. Relevant certificates

What is a CV?

The expression “CV” is an acronym for the Latin word “Curriculum Vitae,” which means “the course of your life” in English.

A CV is an elaborated document of your whole academic as well as professional career. It is a comprehensive description you have done and achieved. It includes a person’s career history, experience, skills, knowledge, competencies, projects, accomplishments, awards, honors, etc. A person also needs to add areas of interest, hobbies, and extracurricular activities. It usually consists of  2 to 3 pages, but you can add more pages depending on the amount of your academic and professional history. In US and Canada, CV is specifically used for academics.

What to include on a CV

  1. Full name
  2. Contact details
  3. Professional title
  4. Research objectives
  5. Education
  6. Teaching or lecturing experience
  7. Books and Publications
  8. Work experience
  9. Skills
  10. Fellowships
  11. Grants
  12. Postdoctoral positions
  13. Certificates
  14. References
  15. Teaching/Research positions
  16. Certificates
  17. Languages
  18. Conferences and courses
  19. Membership with any organization

CV vs. Resume: Key differences

CV is a detailed and elaborated document consisting of a person’s past qualifications, skills, experiences, competencies, achievements, etc. In comparison, a resume is a short and brief highlight of a person’s qualifications, skills, and experiences relevant to the specific job. It should be create with such an impressive way that your resume will be pickup as the most suitable candidate for an interview.

Curriculum Vitae is a Latin word which means course of life. In contrast, a resume is a French word that means summary.

The length of a CV is 2 to 10 pages or more, whereas a resume is mostly one page and rarely two pages. The length of a resume is always shorter than a CV.

A CV is specially oriented toward academic details, whereas a resume is emphasized non-academic details.

CV is appropriate when applying for academic positions, advanced research, fellowship, etc. Whereas a resume is used when applying for job positions, internships, or in any way related to the job. Though both a CV and a resume are used to apply for jobs in India, if you are a fresher or have less experience, then it is good to make a resume to apply for the job. On the other hand, if you have experience of at least 3 to 4 years and more, you can use your CV to apply for the job vacancy.

According to a job position, you do not need to modify your CV, but you have to modify your resume according to every job position.


A CV and a resume are clearly two different types of documents. A resume is an on-page summary, but CV is a comprehensive overview. You can make your resume colorful to look attractive, but it is better not to make the CV colorful. In India, both a CV and a resume are interchangeably used to apply for a job. So it is better to submit a resume if asked for a resume. Likewise, if recruiters asked for a CV then submit them a CV.

Now I hope you have understand the basic difference between the CV and resume, along with when and where to apply it.

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