Thursday 2nd May 2024

How Pomodoro Technique Help To Manage Time

On reading the headline, it comes to many people’s mind what the Pomodoro technique is and how it is linked with time management. Well, this technique is popular among many. Still today, this technique is used by many serious students. If you easily get distracted while studying, then this article is for you. If you want to improve your focus while working or studying, then you can try this Pomodoro technique to get success before looking any further.

So let’s start reading and must try it!

What is Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro technique is a time management process for doing and achieving something. This technique was developed in the late 1980s by an Italian student, Francesco Cirillo. Cirillo was, at that time, a university student. He struggled to study with focus because his mind got diverted very easily. He was not able to understand what he should do to stay focused. Then at first, he started experimenting with various ways, such as creating different work intervals, starting with two minutes to one hour. Gradually he realized that the time duration was too long and difficult to stay focused on a task. He felt that his time gets wasted and he could not be able to do anything. It was a great challenge for him and became a source of anxiety for him. In such a situation, he found a tomato-shaped kitchen timer that was used in his kitchen. He uses the kitchen timer to divide his time into 25 minutes length. This technique helps him to break his work within the limited time length of time and keep maintaining the focus. Slowly it increases productivity by helping in avoiding procrastination.

The word “Pomodoro” is an Italian expression that means tomato. The timer looks exactly like a tomato, and hence the technique is named as “Pomodoro technique.”

What to do in Pomodoro Technique? 

The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management process that inspires people to work with their available time. The time is divided into 25 minutes long, which is known as ‘Pomodoro;’ after that, take a break for 5 minutes. Follow the below steps:

  1. Choose single task

In the first step of this technique, you have to select one focus point in which you have to work and then give all attention to it.

  1. Set timer

Now set a timer for 25 minutes and work only on one task you have selected until the timer sounds.

  1. Focus

Give your full attention to the selected task and try to complete the decided task within that time. After the timer sounds, record the completion of the Pomodoro.

  1. Take a break

Take a break for 5 minutes after the completion of 25 minutes. Make sure you do not waste this time on any unnecessary things like browsing mobile phones and computers. It can distract your mind. You can do a little walk or meditation.

  1. Repeat

Repeat all the above four steps four times and then take a long break for 15 to 30 minutes. If you still do not finish your chosen task, then repeat it from step 2; otherwise, from step 1.

What makes the Pomodoro method effective?

The Pomodoro technique basically involves a timer, and you have to do your work by breaking your workday into 25 minutes followed by 5 minutes of break. You have to always keep in your mind that you have only 25 minutes to make much progress in the task; hence you get less distracted.

Moreover, the short time length for the work helps to break your work which ultimately makes you feel less frazzled and burnout. 

Mobile applications based on the Pomodoro technique

Well, if you have no Pomodoro timer, you do not need to worry. Nowadays, there are plenty of mobile applications that work like a Pomodoro timer. You can download any one of them and try this technique.

Here is the list of a few mobile applications:

  • Pomodoro Timer Lite
  • Focus To-Do
  • Pomodoro Productivity Timer
  • Brain Focus Pomodoro Timer
  • Be Focused
  • Pomo Focus
  • PomoDone
  • Toggl Track
  • Focus Keeper

If you are feeling distracted or fail to do studies with concentration, then apply this Pomodoro technique to your daily life and let us know what’s your experience. Start now!

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