Thursday 2nd May 2024

Skin Care Tips For Women In Summer

Scorching summer is already rolling around, and our skin is beginning to experience changes. The excessive heat and humidity throughout the day make our skin exhibit summer-related issues. Due to the hot and humid environment, our sebaceous glands produce more sebum, leading to stickiness, clogged pores, acne, etc. So it is necessary to protect our skin right away to prevent rashes, sunburns, acne, tanning, etc.


Skin Care Tips



Face wash



Oily skin is very common in summer. Thatswhy despite the skin type, you will always feel greasy. So you must wash your face two times a day with a foaming cleanser. Always use sulfate-free face wash. Face wash removes not only excess oil from your skin but also deep cleans it by removing dust.





Serums with antioxidants help to keep your skin hydrated and protect it from environmental damage. It also helps to reduce dark spots, fine lines, and pigmentation on your skin occurred due to UV rays. Moreover, it also boosts collagen in the skin and maintains the skin’s firmness and elasticity.





Face scrub helps to exfoliate your skin. Every day your body sheds dead skin cells, and if you do not exfoliate, it will make your skin looks dull and dry. So do exfoliate twice a week.





Sunscreen acts as a shield to protect the skin from UV rays. Before going outdoors, apply sunscreen on your exposed body parts. You can use SPF 30 or above to ensure safe summer. If you are directly under the UV rays, reapply it every 1-2 hours to keep your skin safe.





Moisturizer helps to keep your skin soft and hydrated. The best time to apply it is just after the bath. You can also apply it before going to bed. Use non-greasy moisturizer to feel light. Remember that you must choose a moisturizer based on your skin type. They contain many vital vitamins that are necessary for your skin.


Drink water



Drink water sufficiently as it helps to maintain healthy skin by removing toxins and impurities from the body. Every day take 3-4 litres of water. It will prevent dehydration and make you feel fresh.


Eat juicy fruits and vegetables



Seasonal fruits and vegetables like cucumber, watermelon, musk melons, lychee, mango, tender coconut water, and many others help rejuvenate your body and your skin. They keep your body cool and your skin healthy. Moreover, they supply essential vitamins and minerals to your body.


Avoid heavy makeup



Heavy makeup hinders the skin from breathing. The skin’s ability to breathe is also affected by extreme heat and humidity. If you still want to wear makeup, consider tinted lip balm and a light moisturizer instead of heavy foundation and other cosmetics.

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